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Book Online Consultation with Dr. Rahul Kulkarni|OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Book Online Consultation with Dr. Rahul Kulkarni
Dear All, In these difficult times consult with  Dr. Rahul Kulkarni (Consultant Medical Oncologist & Hemato-oncologist) securely from the comfort of your home. Easily connect with the 4 easy steps   1. Scan QR code/click  2. SignUp and do OTP verification  3. Add needed details/ upload reports  4. Select time slot, communication mode, and complete payment   For any queries call 8408878877/ 7507939338
Cervical cancer awareness|OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
January is Cervical Cancer awareness month | Dr. Rahul Kulkarni
Cervical cancer can be detected early by simple regular screening investigations and can be completely cured if detected early. Spread the word to create awareness!
OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Steps for Self Breast Examination | Dr.Rahul Kulkarni| OncoWin Cancer Clinic
Here is a simple step wise guide for Self Breast Examination.Self Breast Examination is recommended for all females above 21 years of age.If done properly it can help is earliest detection of breast cancer or any breast problems.Please follow and share with your friends for spreading Breast cancer awareness.Breast cancer can be cured if detected early.For more info visit
OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Dr.Rahul Kulkarni- Digital Card
Plz click on the link below for our digital card. can easily access the details, websites, you tube channel and Facebook page and can book appointment and video Consultation by just clicking on the links on digital card.Finding our clinics is easy as you can just click on the Google map links given on the digital card and can easily navigate and reach us.
OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Cancer Care during COVID
Sharing our experience of continuing #Cancercareduringcovid at #Sahyadrihospitalspune.Article published in #Nagfoundation July News letter.I salute to all our patients and their caregivers who are fighting simultaneously against both Cancer and Covid with determination.Together we shall overcome!!
OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
31st May- World No Tobacco Day!!
31st May- World No Tobacco Day!On this occasion, come lets pledge to stay away from tobacco in any form.Say no to Smoking! Let the habit end..before it ends you....QuitsmokingChooselife
Chemotherapy in stage 4 cancers|OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Chemotherapy in stage 4 cancers
Is there any benefit of treating Stage 4 advanced cancers??This is a common question which many people ask us when we disclose the diagnosis of stage 4 cancer to relatives. In most cases, stage 4 widespread cancers are treated with non-curative ( palliative ) intent. However if properly treated, even such patients can have amazing long-standing responses and good quality of life.This 68-year-old lady presented with renal failure with a creatinine of 18 mg/dl and on evaluation was diagnosed to have cervical cancer with obstructive uropathy and multiple florid lung metastases. After initial stabilization and relieving the obstruction with DJ stenting, the patient was treated with chemotherapy. PET CT scan after 3 months of Chemotherapy showed a significant reduction of lung metastasis and cervical cancer mass. Patients creatinine became normal and she is able to carry out all her routine activities. After maximum response with chemotherapy, for the last 8 months, the patient is being maintained on simple oral chemotherapy drugs ensuring priority on disease control as well as the quality of life.
Targeted Therapy in Lung Cancer|OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Targeted Therapy in Lung Cancer
With the advent of precision medicine, the treatment of lung cancer has undergone revolutionary discoveries providing simple, oral, and selective and most effective treatment for patients with stage 4 lung cancer.Targeted therapy is:1) Selective on cancer cells2) more effective than conventional treatment on selected patients3) least side effects #stage4LungCancer#TargetedtherapyinLungCancer#OncologistinPune#DrRahulKulkarni.
OncoWin Clinic|Aundh,Pune
Dear patient, please go through A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE FOR PATIENT to book a video consultation with Dr. Rahul Kulkarni Use RECLICA to connect with using the following steps:1. Visit Sign-up as a patient (if you are already a reclica user, just log-in to your patient account)3. Create your secured health profile4. Click “Book appointment” from your secured RECLICA dashboard5. Search for your respective Doctor ( Dr. Rahul Kulkarni )6. Choose your preferred mode of teleconsultation Video/ Text7. Describe the reason for consultation and provide as much health information as possible. Upload any previous prescriptions or Xray or lab reports as photo formats. 8. Make payment for consultation9. If you have opted for video consultation, join your consultation at a scheduled time 10. Access your advice, prescription and complete case details from My Records section in your account.For more information call us on 8408878877
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